The heart of ‘AND’
(a brief introduction to this philosophy and a prelude to ‘Beyond mindfulness’)
The heart of AND addresses the ineffable non-dual Mystery at the Source of our Being; highlighting the release & autonomy that is possible when turning our awareness* away from the OR of a polarised mind to the all-embracing ‘AND’ of the untethered Soul*

It’s ‘roots’…
The doctrine of AND has been associated with PeLoHa since the start of meetings in 2004. Distinct from this doctrine is the manner in which the subject matter of AND is conveyed, and because this approach is the antithesis of ‘teaching’ it has been referred to as an unTeaching. This doctrine could be characterized by 2 fundamental endeavors namely….
To highlight the universal & timeless truth* inherent in all enduring Traditions (east and west) after seemingly contradictory ‘religious’, ‘political’ or surface issues have been set aside or taken into account: In particular the all-embracing aspect of Truth as declared by the Christ and conveyed in the spirit of Advaita*, and
To bring growing awareness to the illusion of separation as well as the underlying conflict inherent in dichotomies and paradoxes: All paradoxes tend to remain as such as long as they are ‘viewed’ from a ‘mainstream mind-set’* (which is fixed in an ‘OR’): The unTeaching attempts to remove the confusion by viewing them rather from the context of an ‘AND’. No coin that has ever been minted has only one side.
It’s way forward:
The last 2 decades have repeatedly highlighted the fact that ‘form consciousness’ is the one single root cause of the waking dream (and therefore the ‘human condition’). Being the cause of both ‘avidya’ (personal illusion) as well as ‘Maya’ (the grand or global illusion) it needs to be dismantled and explored in a meaningful way if we are to see through the veil of our ‘blindness’ to what has always been an ‘open secret’.