A ‘prelude’
What appears to be permeating the field of awareness of many in recent decades is the distinct possibility that the ‘Unseen Hands’ governing ‘Providence’ and/or ‘Destiny’ (initially taken to be those of an external First Cause or ‘God’) are none other than the Self*. Ultimately all seem destined to ‘know’/experience that the individual ‘Soul’ is neither separate from nor different to the Self: The collective awaking that is gaining momentum is from the conditioning and exclusivity of mind’s OR to the inclusivity of Life’s AND. There are no stories in Life, these are only the constructs and projections of a dispersed mind.
One of the few gifts that Patrick had taken away from his years at University was something said by one of his lecturers, namely that “before you read any book, do some research into the background of the author and the core issues which they may have grappled with so that you can better understand the context from which their words flow.”
With this in mind, what ensues is meant to serve as an overview of some of the significant events in his life that had an influence on him and which moulded the philosophy of ‘AND’. The specific subject matter that follows may speak to those who have pondered or marvelled at the play of ‘Life’ in relation to free will, ‘synchronicity’ and destiny.